The Squasciò was founded by Serena Vergari and Paolo Gargiulo, two artists who share a passion for physical comedy and four years of studying at the Performing Arts University of Turin, Italy.

They have learned with great personalities like: Jango Edwards, Gardi Hutter, Peter Shub, Hélène Gustin, Jef Johnson, Hilary Chaplain, Andrè Casaca, John Towsen, Philip Radice, and many more.

In 2014 they created their first show together, currently active, called: "Just Married". This show has been represented in Italy, England, Austria, Germany, Portugal and France.

Clown, Physical Comedy, improvisation are the elements that the two actors will perform for you.




“JUST MARRIED” Show created in 2014 with the aim of bringing theater and bodily narration back to the streets by telling an easy, fun and accessible story for any type of audience. Its strenght is above all the use of Physical Comedy wich makes the show international.

“HOLY BOOBS - A Clown Drama” A clownesque drama created in 2016 that tells of the inadequacy of an ordinary woman compared to an increasingly artificial world, where femininity is surgically constructed. directed by Paolo Gargiulo with Serena Vergari



“BLUE MOON” provisional title of a solo clown by Serena Vergari that merges the clown with the world of singing and jazz music.



“JACK-KETTA DUO” A juggling comedy show with Serena Vergari and Gerardo Rizzello (2009)

“GERIATRIO – The Circus of the Old-Age” An acrobatic comedy show with Paolo Gargiulo, Matthias Martelli and Enrico Mazza (2011)

“MAGNA ITALIA” a Commedia dell'Arte show directed by Eugenio Allegri with Serena Vergari, Enrico Mazza, Stefano Merlo, Paolo Padolecchia, Sasha Oliviero, Gianni Coluzzi, Andres Aguirre, Rossella Guidotti, Michele Meneghini, Lidia Castella, Silvia Ferretti. Assistant director Paolo Gargiulo (2015)

“TOUCHCLOWN” a team/show directed by Beppe Vetti with Salvatore Caggiari, Paolo Gargiulo, Serena Vergari, Davide Fontana, Matteo Cionini, Federico Toso, Andres Aguirre, Serena Casale, Riccardo Forneris, Cristina Geninazzi, Nicolò Ximenes, Andrea Menegale (2015)